
Stella Newsletter

News from our History and Visual Arts departments...


“History is what the present chooses to remember about the past.”

The Year 9 Elective History class recently honed their critical thinking skills in examining how historical film shapes our views of the past. Among the films chosen were Marie Antoinette (2006), The Help (2011), The Great Escape (1963), Oppenheimer (2023) and One Life (2023). Students researched the historical events and people to assess the accuracy of their portrayal and delved into how modern perspectives, directorial choices, and contemporary values can affect the way history is portrayed.

Students found that Sophie Coppola’s Marie Antoinette’s (2006) clever use of modern elements like Converse shoes and pop music re-frames Marie Antoinette as a teenager, encouraging empathy for this otherwise widely criticised historical figure.

Students critiqued The Help (2011) for failing to fully convey the harrowing experiences of African American maids. As the director, Tate Taylor, explained, the film was kept "light" to maintain its entertainment value.

The students produced insightful and beautiful research portfolios (see examples from Ava W's portfolio below) and fabulous final essays or videos. You can watch Harper F’s outstanding video about Marie Antoinette here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT6-PPW_QFM

Well done 9 Elective History!

Bridie Docevski - Teacher of History

Visual Arts News

Bodies of Work Night

It was wonderful to see the impressive Year 12 HSC Bodies of Work from Visual Arts, Design and Technology, Multimedia and Textiles on display this term at the Senior Benedict Campus.

The exhibition was a great success with a steady flow of students, family, friends and the public coming to view the impressive work of these young ladies throughout the evening. The opportunity to display the students practical HSC works in a gallery style situation is a privilege and an important component of the making process for all students involved.

To accompany the atmosphere of celebration we were spoilt with some delicious food and drink offerings from the Year 11 Hospitality students.

We were thrilled to welcome for question time one of our ex-students Charlie Rose Gerry: a contemporary practising artist. Creative and Performing Arts Captains Vianney S and Kate N posed thoughtful questions to Charlie on her art practice and her experiences. Charlies' speech was thoughtful and relevant to our impressionable creative students.

In addition to the HSC works we also displayed the Year 11 Eco lights from Design and Technology and portraits by the Year 10 Visual Arts students. So much talent!

A huge thank you to all the students, parents/carers, teaching staff, maintenance and support staff involved. It was a team effort and a great night was had by all.

Marisa Quick - Head of Visual Arts